The Dominican monastery complex was founded by Margrave Albrecht. As it stands today, it consists of two elements of medieval buildings: the church (Municipal Cultural Centre) and the monastery wing connected to it - the southern wing which now houses the Municipal Library. The church is Gothic, oriented, set on a rectangular ground plan with a half-timbered bell tower added in the 1st half of the 18th century. The body of the building is cuboidal, supported by buttresses and covered by a gable roof. On the north elevation there is a bipartite pointed-arch portal. The eastern part of the church has not survived. The monastery wing is positioned transversely to the former church. It is a cuboidal, two-storey building covered by a gable roof. The building dates from the 14th/15th century. The redevelopment and adaptation of the buildings for educational purposes took place in the 1920s. Due to its special architectural and spatial values, the complex was entered in the register of monuments.